Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Dad got all three record players in the house working again
Which means we're both rediscovering old favorites, like this one:

It also happens to be playing on some random credit card commercial
Which inexplicably makes me cry every time I watch it.
{Don't ask. My hormones are very confused these days...}

Tomorrow Peter leaves for London.
The day after Luke comes back home.
And then it's Christmas!

I'm definitely looking forward to celebrating Christ's birth at church Christmas eve,
then lounging around with my family Christmas day.
We have a tradition of breaking our fast after the 24th service,
While reading the gospel of the birth in the bible.
Then we each open one present
{usually some awesome book from our parents that gets read the same night- nerd much?}
and have a relaxing Christmas morning opening presents and lounging in our pajamas.

We don't get up at 6 to open our presents anymore,
But I still look forward to that precious time with my family each year.
I was in London with Peter's family last year, and it just wasn't the same
{though I did steal their tradition of Christmas crackers to get the party started this year :)}

What are your family traditions?
If you're not Christian, how do you celebrate the holidays?
{a Jewish friend of mine gets Chinese food and watches movies,
which sounds pretty nice and relaxing to me!}

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